Native Marine Links

Aqualogistix aquarium consultancy and supply of coldwater marine fish

British Marine Life Study Society.  Excellent site covering all manner of British native marine life with a strong emphasis on "rockpooling" and seashore stuff.

MarLIN, a very comprehensive site representing the Marin Life information Network for Britain and Ireland.  Loads of stuff, a great reference.

Aquarium Technology Ltd. Consultancy and design of bespoke aquarium systems including public aquaria.  Terrestrial displays from insect micro habitats to large reptile houses. Cold water marine fish available.

FishBase describe their site as "... a relational database with information to cater to different professionals such as research scientists, fisheries managers, zoologists and many more.  FishBase on the web contains practically all fish species known to science."  An essential site.

Marine Conservation Society is the UK Charity dedicated to the protection of the marine environment and its wildlife. Comprehensive site with resources for teachers and details of sightings.  Support them.

OceanNET is the portal for the UK GOOS (UK Global Ocean Observing System Action Group) and
MED (UK Marine Environmental Data Network) action groups, both operated by the Inter-Agency Committee on Marine Science and Technology
IACMST.  Government sponsored, lots of data, research, reports.

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Blenny:  The portal for all things about wildlife! © Julian Wynn (2003)